What are the common causes and solutions of air filters

Publish time: 2023-06-14 14:37:12

The air filter is a kind of equipment that is not missing on the transport medium pipeline, and the air filter in the air compressor is to meet the air quality of the air compressor under special conditions, and also to meet the special air quality requirements of some industrial categories. Therefore, the quality of the air filter directly affects the quality of compressed air.

This article will briefly explain the common faults and solutions of air compressor air filters:

Air compressor air filter filtering effect is poor

1. Add pre-filter without pre-treatment of intake air;

2. The filter element gets old and exchanges the filter element;

3. The air contains chemical substances that can not be adsorbed by the filter element.

4. Flow across the rated value, AC large flow filter;

5. There is an air short circuit inside the filter, find the cause and deal with the symptoms;

6. Filter element fastening screws are not tightened, tighten the filter element;

7. The filter import and export are reversed, and the sign direction is reconnected;

8. Light and cheap pipelines are not clean, washing light and cheap pipelines;

9. The application point has residual pollutants, and the eradication of residual pollutants;

10. If the bypass valve is not closed, close the bypass valve.

Air compressor air filter pressure drop increase:

1. Core blockage or adsorption amount is too large, AC filter element;

2. The intake air impurities load is large, pre-treatment;

3. Filter equipment is not level, from scratch equipment.

4. Filter cylinder water, find out the reason, discharge residual water;

5. Automatic drainer failure, adjust and modify or AC drainer;

Air compressor air filter does not work

1. If the inlet and outlet valves are not opened, open the valves;

2. Severe blockage of filter element, AC filter element;

3. Filter damage, AC filter;

4. The piping is blocked, modify the piping device.

ZW-2000 Air filter regulator (1).jpg

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