The compressed air filter should be as close as possible to the terminal gas point and the low temperature equipment, the equipment should not be quickly opened after the valve, and then avoid reflux and impact phenomenon, the filter should be vertical equipment, and leave space below to provide convenience for later replacement of the filter element, the larger filter should be equipped with support equipment in the pipeline.
For example, when the compressed air temperature is 40 ° C, the oil content flowing through the filter is 5 times that of 30 ° C, and when the compressed air temperature rises to 50 ° C, the oil content flowing through the filter is 10 times that of 30 ° C. Therefore, the filter is generally installed at the lower temperature of the compressed air system (that is, the rear cooler, the air storage tank and the rear end of the cold dryer).
The working power of the compressed air filter is closely related to the temperature of the compressed air: the temperature of the oil and water in the compressed air affects the filtering power of the filter.
Filter replacement cycle
The replacement cycle of the compressed air filter element is determined by its pressure drop, which generally exceeds 0. At 60Kgf/cm2, the filter differential gauge pointer points to the red area, or the operation is completed 6000-8000 hours (a year) to replace.
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