Ultrahigh pressure solenoid valve installation and maintenance operation

Publish time: 2023-07-17 13:54:58

Ultra-high pressure solenoid valve is mainly used in hydraulic system, petrochemical, metallurgy, spray humidification, aerospace, nuclear industry, shipbuilding heavy industry, power, energy, urban heating, steam supply, water supply and other fields. The automation and remote control of the ultra-high pressure system are realized.

1, the ultra-high pressure solenoid valve should refer to the product manual before installation, whether it meets your requirements.

2, the pipeline should be washed before use, and the filter should be installed if the medium is not clean to prevent impurities from hindering the normal operation of the solenoid valve.

3. The solenoid valve after a long time of disuse should be easy to use after clearing the condensate; When disassembling and cleaning, the parts should be placed in order and then restored to the original state.

4, the solenoid valve is generally one-way work, can not be reversed, the arrow on the valve is the direction of movement of the pipeline fluid, must be consistent.

5, the ultra-high pressure solenoid valve should be heated when it is re-working in a frozen place, or set insulation measures.

6, the solenoid valve installation is generally horizontal, the coil is vertical upward, some products can be arbitrarily installed, but when the conditions allow vertical, to increase the service life.

7, the electromagnetic coil lead wire (connector) after the connection, should confirm whether it is firm, the contact of the connecting electrical components should not shake, loose will cause the solenoid valve does not work. Continuous production of the solenoid valve, the use of bypass, easy maintenance, does not affect the production.

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ZORGON As a professional automatic control equipment manufacturer in the UK, with the first solenoid valve came into being, after decades of continuous innovation and development. With the transfer of...

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